Figured I should answer these questions before they pile up, then I'll launch back into my essay (which, btw, makes no sense whatsoever, but such is the joy of essays. Sigh.)
1. Dnid't you fnid taht sudty a bit sracy? and a ltilte lkie tlaknig to me on MSN?
I thnik I fnuod it scraier taht my fisrt isnitnct was to corrcet the "tpyos" wehn I saw the blrub in the paepr...hmm. And yes, it is a little like talking to you on MSN. ;)
2. You're reading Microserfs?? YAAAAYYY!!
Yes. Well, don't get too excited -- I'm only reading it when I'm ahead in my English reading (which, incidentally, I am, but I still have to finish the second Jungle Book for next week, 'cause I read my books in the wrong order...oops.) and when I happen to be in the UC Library ('cause I didn't actually sign out the book, but I know exactly where it is). So far I've read about the first two days...amusing.
3. And YAY!! Arrogant Worms lyrics as the lyrics of the moment! Did you just look up 'pirate' and that's what came up?
Actually, I was reading some posts on a messageboard somewhere (I think it was the one for the Space network...a thread about Talk Like A Pirate Day that was very OT [off-topic]), and someone had mentioned that they were reminded of this song, and they posted the lyrics to part of naturally, I looked up the rest of it, and I believe I downloaded the song, but I've no idea what it sounds like. ;)
4. Arrogant Worms, Microserfs....are you turning into me??
Quite possibly. *sits up suddenly* Quick! Tell me...what color is my hair, and do I look any taller to you?!
5. Do you knit or do anything crafty?
Er...sorta. There's this "thing" I've been knitting sporadically, and I occasionally will draw or sketch things. I sometimes like to paint rocks so that they look like ladybugs. I write.
6. Cotten Eye Joe song lyrics
*pauses and looks at querent quizzically* First of all...that can hardly be called a question, can it? Secondly...I believe I answered this particular one a little while back, with a link to the lyrics. Search the archives; you should find it there.
7. Is that really what the Proclaimers song is called? huh...didn't know that...
It is indeed. I used to cringe when I heard this song, 'cause they used to play it during the morning aerobics sessions in elementary school. But then it was also in
Benny & Joon, which I watched recently (have seen it before, but was a looong time ago), so now it's okay. :)
*hangs head dejectly and attempts to re-focus on essay writing*
Here goes nothing. (And I do mean nothing...)